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daily routine

7 reasons why a daily routine is important for children

A daily routine is essential for children as a way in helping them organise their time, activities and events and become more confident in themselves and the world around them.

A daily routine is important for children because it gives them a way to organize their lives. A daily routine brings comfort and consistency for children. When children know what to expect, they become more confident in themselves and the world around them seems friendlier. In this article, we present 7 reasons why a daily routine is important for children. 

At a very young age, children organize their lives by the events that happen, not hours and minutes and feel more secure and understand the world around them better when events happen in the same order every day. When you include meaningful and important elements into your family life, you’re letting your child know what’s important. 

Sometimes, keeping a daily routine might seem a challenging task, especially when you are overwhelmed with a lot of things to do. However, a routine fosters responsibility and independence: children will be able to perform more activities on their own if they have done the same tasks many times before. A daily routine is especially important during particularly crucial times of day: 

7 reasons why a daily routine is important for children

  1. Helps your child get on a schedule

As we said before, a consistent daily routine will help your child with many day-to-day tasks and basics such as:

  • Forming a balanced sleep schedule; 
  • Establish a schedule for meals. 
  • Healthy play and outdoor time
  1. The child will be independent and confident

With a daily routine, a child will know when it's time to do homework or get ready for bed. They will know what they are supposed to do – and do it by themselves. Rather than always being told what needs to happen, your child will feel empowered, independent, and confident and be in charge of themselves. 

  1. Family bonds become stronger

Family connections are established when family members are involved in the process and carry out activities together. When a child knows what to expect and notice regular family activities, they begin to understand what’s important. For example, the child might understand that it is important to have dinner together on Sundays, to communicate each evening about how the day went, and to play boardgames on Saturdays. They become more aware that family time is special and they will appreciate it now and in the future.

  1. Constructive habits

From washing their hands when they come home from school to finishing homework every afternoon, a daily routine helps establish constructive habits. Children who practice these skills will be able to manage their time better. As they get older, they will have more self-discipline in healthy grooming and eating habits, along with studying.

  1. Expectations are established and met 

If your child knows what's on the agenda, they anticipate and look forward to upcoming events - such as going to a friend's house on Friday afternoon or spending time with family on Saturday morning.

When these activities are established, your child feels like a loved part of the family and the world.

  1. The child get excited about what’s ahead

If your child knows what’s on the schedule, they anticipate and look forward to future events – such as going to a friend's house on Friday afternoons or spending time with family on Saturday mornings.

When these activities are established, your child feels like a loved part of the family and the world.

  1. Times of change request stability 

Changes and stresses impact a child’s life and sense of security, such as a change in the school system, divorce, or the addition of a new sibling.

When the family has an established routine, it should remain present in the child’s life, no matter what is going on. A child finds calmness and stability through elements of the routine. 

How to set a daily routine?

„Routines can begin from the first day of life.” shares Susan Newman (social psychologist, New Jersey). If you haven’t started a routine from the early days, don’t worry. They can be established at any point. Here are 3 steps for setting a daily routine. 

Step 1: Daily essentials

Focus on the important times, such as meal times, snack times, nap times and bedtimes. Because these aspects directly influence your child's overall well-being.

Step 2: Patience - a key element

Try not to become impatient if the routine needs more time to be implemented in the life of the child and the family in general. Establishing a schedule can be hard for children at first, but they will get used to it.

Step 3: Make room for flexibility and adjust as needed

As time goes on, you'll begin to see what works and what doesn't work for the family. For a daily routine to stick, you'll need to make sure you keep it as regular as possible. However, while establishing and maintaining your routine has a lot of benefits, it's vital that you also remain flexible. Make sure the routine is healthy and positive for both your child and other family members.

The earlier you, the child and the rest of the family begin a daily routine, the easier it will be. Forming habits is a process you should do together, as a family. Through a daily routine, you teach your child how to arrange time efficiently and productively. This sense of order is not only important for making young children feel secure, but it will also allow them to internalize an automatic sense of how to organize their own lives as they grow up. 

How does Kinderpedia support family engagement in child's education?

Technology is there to support learning.  On the one hand by facilitating access to quality education with rich and relevant content and prompt and varied interactions between pupils and teachers, and on the other hand by facilitating communication between school, nursery and family.

On Kinderpedia, parents find out in real time how their little ones' day at school or nursery went: from attendance, mood, participation, to how much they ate and slept, in the case of younger children. When they are aware of their children's projects and progress at school, parents can continue the educational process at home and support their children where they need it. Kinderpedia creates the environment for a partnership between school and family and puts the pupil-teacher-parent collaboration right at the heart of learning.



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