Ari Pokka, ERI Sibiu: "Good teachers give students the motivation to be lifelong learners."
Discover below the answers of Ari Pokka, Teacher at ERI School Sibiu.
What is, in your view, the impact of a good teacher on the future of a child?
Somebody has said that bad teacher can ruin child`s future, so the impact of teacher is so meaningful and valuable. Good teacher gives student a motivation to be lifelong learner. Teacher shows that learning is continuous process and there are not any limits because of age or formal status. Children also understood that there will be also connection between values, knowledge and competencies.
Which are the key attributes and competencies of a good teacher?
Teacher must be interest about children and childhood. During my 25 year career as school principal I have hired hundreds of teachers. Foe me the most important thing has been attitude, respect and motivation to learn new things. We can develop their skills and competencies, but it`s difficult to change bad attitude or lack of interests
What will the teacher of the future look like?
What elements of the education - as we know it today - do you think will stand the test of time?
I think that teacher-student relationship will be there, perhaps a little bit different than nowadays. Role is more like guiding and counseling, but it still exists. School role as place for social interaction and friendship will be also what perhaps is even more essential in highly technical world. Somehow, even learning could be more limitless, school will be a place where learning and teaching is organized.
How do you see the role of technology in education - now and in the future?
After pandemic we have took a long steps forward. I really hope that education policy makers understood that. I hope that modern technology will give a school to be a place for social interaction and innovations. Knowledge based data is easy to reach by devices. Perhaps it will school time to concentrate more social and emotional education.
One classroom experience you will never forget
When our Sport teacher said that I will be always a first choice his basketball team.
What was your first day as a teacher like?
What was your first day at school like as a child?
I have brown jacket and smell of the school was combination of sweat, sweet porridge and floor wax. I still remember it.
What is your role model in the area of education?
My history teacher in Upper Secondary School. He knows so much and look like Henrik VIII.
Samuel Beckett`s Waiting for Godot
Who is Ari Pokka?
25 years career as Upper Secondary School Principal. President of Finnish Association of Principals and International Confederation of Principals. CEO of Finnish education Institute. Awarded year 2022 by President of Finnish Republic with honorary title Education Counsellor for the services to Finnish Society. Author of the book Top Class-Finnish School leadership and management (Romanian translation at 2022).
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